Thursday 21 June 2012

The World of Blogging ...

In April of this year I decided to become a blogger. I have been cautious of public forums in the past, your words can be so easily misconstrued and I do believe some things (such as the intricacies of a marriage) should be left private.
I am learning though that people blog for many different reasons - to have a voice, provide ideas and resources, and the list goes on. My reasons were more simple - I wanted a record of our life with our boys. But now I find myself looking forward to the late evenings, when my little Tongans lay sleeping, and I sit in bed with my iPad not only to record my thoughts, but to read about the thoughts, ideas and aspirations of others. There is so much to learn, be it parenting tips, decor ideas, or just reading about the daily lives of my few friends that actually blog too!
And then there's the ever present topic of motherhood. With four little Tongans aged four and under, it's a topic close to my heart and where I am in need of constant improvement. I feel like it brings out my best, and also my worse. It contributes to so many of my highs, and definitely my lows. But it's nice to know that others feel the same. And I wonder if a mother will ever really feel like they got it all right? There is indeed always something we can improve on.
I have been told on occasion that I seem like 'I have it all together'. Most likely those people were just trying to be nice, but my response: 'you know it's all fake right?'
I guess I will fake it till I make it xx

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