Saturday 23 June 2012

Life Lately ...

Time for another update on my little Tongans. They are growing and growing and I am loving it!

First off, Cassius, who is enjoying his new status as the front seat passenger! He's a very kind boy our Cassius, this morning I watched him going through the pantry getting three packets of raisins for him and his brothers. No one had asked hm to get it for them, I think sharing and thinking of others just comes naturally to him. He is sensitive though, and gets quite hurt when told off for something. He will say 'well I don't want to be your best friend anymore', but then quickly run back to say 'I want to say sorry to you mum'. The other morning he was taking a little too long to get ready and I started changing my tone as I told him to hurry up. He looked at me with his big eyes questioning 'why are you angry at me mum?'. Let's just say I wasn't angry anymore after that! And then on another night, my back started playing up and I hadn't said anything when Cass rushed over to me asking if I was ok and started rubbing my back! I was surprised at how observant be is, and as I later told Rick my ever so wise husband commented how we all have our good traits - Cassius may not be our cleanest son, but is loving. There's no denying that!

Onto number two - Phoenix. He is definitely my cleaner which I love!! It's funny though, as although he is my cleanest child, with his sensitive skin he probably looks the dirtiest! Yesterday he had gone upstairs and I told him to come downstairs (doesn't he know his room is only for decoration ha ha) but he yelled back 'but I'm cleaning mum?' He has also decided that he doesn't really like the Beast, aka Kingston, most likely due to Kingston being the little bully that he is. Don't get me wrong - Phoenix can hold his own! I fear that one day he will unleash that temper of his on some poor child lol. But with Kingston he will tell me 'I don't like him mum', and when I ask him why, he responds 'because'. He asks 'why' alot too, which is often funny and irritating at the same time. For example, he was helping me do the dishes today and asked if the dishwashing liquid was blue. I said 'no son, it's green'. He asked 'but why?' ha ha. Oh and his dinosaur obsession is ever present - the other morning he was talking to them and I asked what was happening. He said 'the dinosaur is sad mum', when I then asked why he responded 'because he can't find his family!'. He'll also watch them on YouTube and all I can hear is him yelling 'YOU CAN DO IT T-Rex!' ha ha ... There really are so many good times in our house!

Now for Kingston. Hmmm ... He's annoying. Ha ha, nah he's just at that age where he doesn't listen and it's hard to discipline because he thinks everything is a game. But boy does he love his father! I accepted early on that when my boys reach about 18 months they no longer are mummy's boy and become besotted with their father! It has happened with the older three boys and most likely will happen with McCaw also! I don't blame them though, Rick kinda has that affect on people (haha cheesey!). Kingston is abit of an actor also, always faking being hurt to not get in trouble ha ha. And he likes to take himself to the toilet also! Once I take his nappy off he runs to the toilet and is very proud of himself.

And then there's McCaw. Oh how I love having a baby in the house! He's such a good little boy - just eats and sleeps - and we all adore him! His brothers adore him a little too much, and I am constantly telling them to leave him alone as he lays sleeping in his rocker. He has completed our little family in so many ways, and I couldn't imagine things any other way. I do want more children eventually, but if four is my lot in life I will be equally as happy.

I was looking at my boys today as they had an afternoon snack and thought to myself I can't believe I have four boys. Four! And all under five! Good times xx

Here's a pic of Cassius and Phoenix at science play at the library


1 comment:

  1. Oh my gosh I can't believe you have 4 boys either!! It just seems like yesterday we were still going to YSA activities! hahaha You have a beautiful family and you are doing such a great job Super Mummy!! xoxo
