Friday 15 June 2012

There's Something about Shopping ...

Like most females, I do love to shop! However getting to the shops with my little Tongans can be quite laborious, so these days my shopping fix comes primarily in the form of online shopping. And Whilst this often satisfies the shopping urge, there's nothing quite like actually going to the shops and getting a dose of retail therapy!
On Monday, I was in need of a bit of 'therapy'. With the boys being sick and of course having a newborn, we have been spending a lot of time at home and quite frankly, I was getting a tad bored! Rick had gone to basketball in the morning and called me on his way home to see what we had planned for the day. I told him how I felt, and Rick knows me well enough to read between the lines and suggested that I go shopping! I had an urge of practicality and said 'we didn't really didn't 'need' anything' to which he replied 'well it's not about needs, go get some things that you want!' ... And so I did. Of course, by the time I actually fed McCaw and got out of the house it was late afternoon. I got to the shops with about one hour till closing, but given it is sale season that was probably a good thing as I could have spent the whole day there! I went straight to Myer and found my boys some new clothes to add to their wardrobe - funny how even when I feel like I'm getting some 'me' time, it's still very much about my boys! Nevertheless I went home a happier woman, which of course meant a happier home for my boys and husband xx

1 comment:

  1. hahaha Can Rick teach Kerry to say that! What a good husband.
