Wednesday 1 August 2012

That Time of Year ...

That time of year has arrived and it is every bit as busy as I remember! That time of year where all I do is work, work and ... did I mention work? That time of year where my boys must wonder who their mother is and my husband gets to deal with an often stressed wife! Actually who am I kidding about the last part - that's me all year! But yes, TAX TIME is very much here and I have definitely been busy!

Last month I posted to my blog 19 times. Today marks the last day of July and my blog posts so far? Two! And hey if there's anything that denotes busyness (is that how you spell it?), then it's the number of blog posts right?
I remember in June feeling slightly apprehensive about tax time approaching. I had been home with the boys since McCaws birth and was finding myself really enjoying it! For the most part of the year, I work two days a week and I also get a lot of time off, so I know I am lucky in many respects. But I do struggle with finding that 'balance'. Would I be a better mother if I didn't work at all? Am I selfish for wanting to work in part because that extra money allows me to do so much more?
Whether a person chooses to be a working mother really is a personal decision and I don't mean to cast judgement on others for their choices - we all have our different situations and ultimately decide what is best for us. But for me, I find there's something to be said about doing something seperate from being a mother. I know that motherhood is my primary and most important role, but I feel a sense of accomplishment that I can still achieve in other areas of my life and continue to improve and be better. That may sound conceited, but I have always believed that we should aspire to something better. That achievement doesn't have to come in the form of employment though, and maybe I am just ranting on to justify why I choose to work ... goodness does one ever feel that they get it right? xx

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