Tuesday 15 May 2012

Fabulous Things ...

My husband likes to tell me that I dont live in reality sometimes (regarding our finances). For example, when Cassius was born, the pram we had probably cost more then the car we drove! lol But to that I say who cares!!

I have come to the conclusion that people just spend their money in different ways. To some it is important to own a home, to others to have the latest car, the latest clothing etc. Me? I just love to shop! Rick once told me that I would make the perfect wife for a rich man. I'm not sure whether to take that as a complement or an insult? I'll go with complement for now :)

So I find myself constantly searching the internet, looking for 'beautiful pieces' and so forth, the majority of which I can't afford!! And whilst I know that material things are not the most important thing in life ... Oh how I love a beautiful piece of baby clothing :)

And so with this is mind, here are a few of my favorite things, the majority of which relate to my children. That's one of the great things about being a mother, there's an endless supply of beautiful things to get!

These beautiful blankets were introduced to me recently by my fabulous cousin Keri, a recent addition to the 'mother' club. Keri probably enjoys shopping more then myself, which I LOVE as I know when it comes to buying things we probably shouldn't - Keri will understand lol. Even as I write this we are messaging each other regarding the current winter trends in baby clothing :)

The blankets are hand made in our native NZ, and come in various felt colors with ribbons attached to the ends. I'm currently waiting on my 'personalised' order right in time for my newest addition! I always get excited when having a new baby, as it means I can get some of things I either couldn't afford with the previous, or just didn't know about!

These are by far the best baby wraps I have ever used! I discovered them whilst shopping in Berry when Cassius was about a month old, and fell in love instantly. I have used them for all my babies and have just received another order to be used for my newest addition! They are muslin wraps so really breathable, and measure 120cm x 120cm - a lot larger then other wraps that's for sure. I also love that they have a 'crink' (is that even a word?) in them, which means that even after they are washed they still looked new! Don't you hate when you wash a blanket and it has that 'used' look to it? You don't get that with these :) And if I haven't persuaded you yet - check out how many celebrities use them - now there's an incentive :)

Bugaboo Prams

Bugaboo's are quite simply, the Best. Prams. Ever! But I will write more in a future post xx

Coco Bloom Baby Lounger

Since becoming a mother and 'housewife', I find I now pay more attention to what's in the 'background', and what items celebrities use. And so one day as I was watching Kourtney and Khloe take Miami (yes I watch stupid things on tv), I saw in the background this beautiful wooden rocking chair that Kourtney had for her son Mason. And so I enlisted the help of Google and discovered the 'Coco Bloom'. Isn't it a beautiful piece of furniture! Kingston was already a few months old at the time, and I couldn't justify the spend since it's only used for the first six months of babies life. But now that I am having my fourth (McCaw), (as previously mentioned, there are lots of perks to having more children!), I can finally getting one! Exciting times ahead :)

Personalised Lunch Bags

Sometimes I really wonder what I did before online shopping! There is just so many things you can get and these bags are an example of such! I ordered some for my boys and they absolutely LOVE them! They are their special bags for 'church' and I find they add a little bit of excitement to the church going routine! Check out their website as they offer so much more ... I know money doesn't make you happy, but it sure does help ha ha xx

More Coming Soon xx




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