Wednesday 2 May 2012

3 weeks and counting ...

Just less than 3 weeks to go now, but who's counting right? I am getting very very excited about the idea of not being pregnant anymore. I shouldn't complain - my pregnancies aren't 'hard' and my labors are quicker than most, but I have never been (and don't think I ever will be) one of those women who love being pregnant and the evolution of the female body etc. To me, it's a means to an end! A great end at that, but I still don't love the process. Realistically it's probably because I just look SHOCKING when pregnant, which I know sounds superficial and is not the most important thing in the world, but hey - it still matters. If I looked like the shillouette here to my left I wouldn't mind so much, but my shillouette is just a tad rounder :). I have decided not to weigh myself anymore either - it just gets depressing and I would rather just live in denial!

Moving on - we had photos of the boys taken with Analiese on Saturday so that's pretty exciting. She has taken photos of my boys a few times now and I am never disappointed! Her pictures are planted all over my page - the ones of the boys on the side panel, my main family picture and even my background! Need further proof that I love the pictures :) I've been wanting to get photos of the boys in traditional tongan clothing for awhile now, and since cousin Max was coming for a visit it was the perfect opportunity to get some of the boys playing with him, and the boys in their tupenus. I cant wait to see them! Phoenix wasn't too excited about getting dressed in the clothes, but that's my Phoenix for you. He did however smile the night before when we tried them on, so at least we have one picture of him happy ... Here's some pictures from the night before xx


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