Friday, 18 May 2012

And Then We Were Six ...

Our boy has arrived! Arriving on 15th May 2012 at 12:37am, six days earlier then his due date, weighing 3020 grams and measuring 53 cm - Memphis Taniela Manu. I may be a tad bias but he is beautiful :)
Both Cassius and Kingston were born around the 39 week mark, and as that day approached for this pregnancy I had the feeling that this time I would go to 40 weeks. But just like his brothers, he decided he wanted an early entry. The day gave no indication that I would go into labor, as I spent it cleaning and just hanging with the boys - just another day in our household! Rick finished work early and called asking if I wanted to go to golf (he's seen old couples at golf and has this idea that that is also going to be us one day lol), but I was my usual lazy pregnant self and opted for a nap instead. When he came home we made dinner and whilst I still had washing to fold and organizing to do, I thought 'who cares!', and sat with Rick eating and watching 'the voice'. I remember sitting there with Rick at my side and my boys playing and dancing along thinking 'our life really is good'. I guess that thought was significant in light of how I'd been feeling the majority of this pregnancy, but I'll develop on that later.

Just after 9pm I had my first contraction, and similar to my other pregnancies they were coming at 7 mins apart. I don't really get any build up in my labors - it just HITS. And I've been reading lately about fourth labors and how they are suppose to be easier, so although the pain wasn't drastic I thought I should probably go get some things ready just in case. So I spent the next two hours at home - cleaning and putting washing away, packing my hospital bag and bathing the boys. Around 11 Rick and I decided to take the boys to my mums, and he gave me a blessing just before we left. One thing that he said in the blessing that stood out was to help me have an 'increased love of motherhood' haha ... So much for keeping this blog all positive huh - this blog is giving way too many hints that maybe motherhood isn't all peaches and cream?!? But getting back to things, so we dropped the boys off and got to the hospital around 1130pm. I must admit the contractions were intensifying, but I put on my brave face and wonderful Liverpool Hospital had me wait until 12am to take me to the birthing unit. Once there, I was once again given a midwife who didn't really pay any attention to my labor history. I asked her to do an inspection to see how far dialated I was, but she insisted she needed to monitor the baby first and set some things up. By now, my contractions were quite unbearable and I insisted again that she check to see if I could push. She didnt listen, and even questioned if I was having contractions as her monitor didn't pick it up. When she finally did do an inspection, she realized I was almost fully dilated and just needed to push (this has happened in 3 of my pregnancies, the only exception being Phoenix because he was delivered in the car!). A few pushes later and my beautiful boy was here!

I must sound like such a sook, it's just I've never had a midwife who actually listens to me! They always seem so rude, yet when we got to the maternity ward the midwife told the nurses that I deliver babies 'just the way they are suppose to be delivered' ... Now she decided to complement me? Ha ha ... Anyway I am belng petty and moving away from the fact that I have once again been entrusted with one of Heavenly Fathers precious children.

When I found out I was pregnant last year to say I wasn't too excited is quite the understatement. I remembered vividly the difficulties adjusting to the demands of three children when Kingston had arrived, and that constant feeling of being overwhelmed, not to mention that the physical recovery from pregnancy and labor gets harder every time. I also felt that I was in a place where I was really enjoying my children, and my role as a mother and as a wife. I'm quite embarrassed to admit that for a good part of this pregnancy I concentrated on all things negative. But when Memphis was born all that when aside. I had forgotten ... I had forgotten what it's like when you hold your baby in your arms for the first time. I had forgotten that overwhelming feeling of love you have for this precious baby that just melts your heart. I had forgotten that life changes when your baby arrives - be it your first or fourth child. I had forgotten that there is truly nothing like motherhood. And just when I thought I couldn't be any happier, the next morning as I sat with Memphis in the hospital bed, I heard the all too familar sound of little feet runnning through the hospital corridor. The first voice I heard was Phoenix 'where's my mum?', and my boys walked in full of energy and anxious to meet their newest brother. Phoenix and Kingston just loved him straight away, but Cassius looked and asked 'who's baby is that mum?', and I told him he was ours and no longer in my stomach. He came and inspected my stomach to ensure I wasn't lying. Their attention span didn't last too long and within minutes they were causing chaos, but that chaos is all mine and I love it xx

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful! isn't it funny how we may have upsets (not having another girl for me)but there really is nothing more perfect than a newborn baby in your arms, boy or girl, planned or not planned, still perfect. I've heard that once you get past having three, the next ones are easier to adapt to having more, you can tell me later if thats true, three months on and I'm still trying to cope with having three. Good Luck anyhow, Let us know if you need anythingXx
