Wednesday 19 September 2012

Life lately, in Photos

A few photos of 'life lately', and the story behind the picture ...

Here is McCaw watching his dad and uncles lose their grand final! My mum frequently reminds me that my boy 'likes to be held', but at football, he was pretty content to just sit in the pram and watch the whole game on the sidelines.

My boys are still infatuated with their little brother... they like to get up close and personal.

Phoenix was beginning to get a little upset when the barber started on his hair. I asked him if it would help if T-Rex stood by and watched. I put him on the counter and his eyes lighted up! No more fears after that! Phoenix is such a wierdo at times but it makes for entertaining times.

Last Saturday at the end of Ricks grand final, my boys brought a smile to my face when I saw that they (on their own initiative) had started collecting the cans near the rubbish bins and cleaning them up. That smile soon vanished when I realised they were alcohol cans and Phoenix went in for a drink! Please don't let that be a sign of things to come!

For Kingston birthday I picked up some of his cousins and took them to McDonalds, followed by cake and movies. Unfortunately for Kingston his birthday fell on the week we moved, so mum and dad were a little poor! I was wondering how I was going to handle five kids under four on my own, but it was quite a fun (although tiring) day! When we got out of the car I told them all to hold hands. And this is what they did ... priceless!
I've also just realised that the birthday boy isn't in any of these pictures. My poor boy, he really was neglected! 


  1. I'm pretty sure the first time I saw this post it had no text, I loved reading the explanations! I'm always telling Mathias to get out of Carter's face! McCaw is getting so big now!!

    1. Lol yes I have a habit of going back and editing my posts. I figured no one really reads them anyway! But thank you - I think you and Pina are my only followers ha ha.
