Wednesday 26 September 2012

Going Public

I am currently contemplating whether to advertise my blog. By advertise, I simply mean putting it on my facebook and instagram accounts. I'm hesitant because at times I feel like I give away 'too much information', and currently I only have four followers, so the risk of being 'over-exposed' is pretty small! I do like to keep some things private, but those who know me also know I am very partial to a good chat. What are your thoughts?


  1. I think it's a question of what you want out of blogging. If you want to expand and one day make money from it, then it's a great place to start. If it's for personal use and your not fussed about it, then you can just keep doing what your doing. If you just want to expand your followers even a little, then Yes! go for it. personally, I love your taste, and I would love to read your reviews on things you use/like/want? that sort of stuff. I just purchased a Aden & Anais wrap for Carter after reading how much you Love them! lol

    1. Lol oh Ardeth aren't they the best! I have to tell myself I have enough when I see the new prints come out and I want more! And thanks for your comments - I can't see myself ever making a business out of blogging, but its funny you mention reviews/taste etc as that was something I initially thought I would blog about! Then I discovered the likes of 'Babyology' and other blogs and thought I could never keep up! But I think I will write more about that stuff cos I enjoy it, and of course record the small ins and outs of my boys lives! Thanks for the tips xx

  2. I advertised it on my Instagram (IG) and I got a lot more readers and a few more followers (all mums from around the world) but funnily enough we respond about our blogs on IG because most of the pics we download onto our blog are first uploaded on IG plus you get instant notification on a comment on IG so you are most likely to respond straight away and most of us blog a few times a month, if that.. whereas we are on IG every day.

    I really like meeting and chatting to mamas from all over the world on IG just over our photos. I've met a lot of twin mums and it's just nice to have other mamas understand what it's like raising twins the same age.

    Even now, it's hard for me to keep up with all the IG chat but I always try to check in with certain mamas I have met.

    My blog is just personal for me to record events, stories and photos and for our families to read and keep updated on what we're up to. At times, I felt like I had to write FOR my followers and felt a little pressure to keep it updated so I have unadvertised it hahaha

    I think if you want to chat and meet mamas from everywhere I say IG is the best forum - (you can tell what people are like by the photos they post) but if you are going to blog regularly and want more local chats with people you mostly know than yes advertise on FB and IG.

    Ok that is my 2c piece and I enjoy reading your blog sister - grammar mistakes and all haha xo

    1. ha ha valid points as always sister! I think I just want more interaction, and I just don't really know many people that blog. I think I will just keep it as is for now, and enjoy my four followers ha ha! I'd love to meet other mothers from around the world etc but sometimes I worry my words will be misconstrued and I don't want to just blog for other people. Oh decisions decisions! Anyway chat soon sister xx
