Sunday 14 October 2012

The Definition of Success

I wrote the following post earlier this week and was initially hesitant to post it. But I have decided to be more of an 'honest' blogger, writing about both the good times and the bad. So here goes!

Last week I had a play date with a friend whom I hadn't seen since High School. In other words, we hadn't seen each other in twelve years. Twelve years. Man I am getting old!
She has four kids also, so we took the kids to Central Gardens in Merrylands. What a great place! It was thirty degrees that day, but the park is completely sheltered. We had a fabulous day as we chatted, fed our stomachs, and the kids played under the sun.

As the day came to a close my friend turned to me and said  'I must say, of all the people from school who I thought would end up with four kids, I didn't think it would have been you. But motherhood really becomes you'.
Later that day, I got to thinking. Would the person I was when I went to High School be happy with the person I had become today?
The more I thought about it, the more my thoughts turned pessimistic. I began to wonder if being a mother was enough for me. Yes I still work part time and have a degree, but there was a time when I would have aspired to so much more then that. What had I done with my life over the past twelve years? Had I achieved anything? In a way, I felt that somewhere in those twelve years, I had lost that girl from High School, and had become very ok with mediocrity.

In hindsight, I know I was being quite dramatic. Very dramatic really. But thoughts turn into action. And I know I wasn't a very good mother or wife that day.
I told my husband how I felt and where my thoughts were taking me.
He listened, let me vent, and then simply replied: "I think you need to re-evaluate your definition of "success".
So I ask myself what is my definition of success? I'm still trying to figure it out, but there are a few things I know. I know I want to be educated and that education is a lifelong journey. I know I want to live a good, clean and righteous life. I want to be a good wife. And most of all I want to raise good men. Men that value work, and men that are kind. That's not too much to ask right?1?

So I wonder, what is your definition of success?


  1. Haha Darcel, I can see why you might have been hesitant to post this, but don't be. It's all good. I did get a little worried that you were going down a thought process where you may have thought you had not accomplished much over the last twelve years where it would seem quite the contrary. I know you value education, I know you have four handsome boys that are healthy and happy, and a husband that loves and supports you. I consider your success to be invaluable and I love that you always look to improve and better yourself in all areas of life. I think you can definatly consider yourself to be succesful!I do!

    1. As always Ardeth you are too kind! Goodness I hope I didnt come across as being a big sook - it was just one of those days! But thank you for your kind words. I know we are lucky especially to have the gospel but I think I should have ended the post talking about all the things I actually LOVE about motherhood ha ha. I fear I am going to get some email about being a non appreciative mother lol

  2. nice blog a younger cousin I always look up to you on how to live life as a good GCB ,how to raise my family,how to be a good mother and wife..... thats a success in itself :) your a fabulous person! your my favourite!!

    1. lol ok I didnt post this blog to get everyone to tell me how fabulous I am ha ha ... although I dont mind :)
      And by GCB you mean 'belle' right? Anyway thank you cousin for your kind words also x
      Your my favourite too. Who else appreciates it when purebaby goes on sale like we do? lol

    2. haha I was looking at the purebaby site today contemplating buying a few things...

    3. lol I got an email that they were on sale but I had to tell myself not to look otherwise I will never save for my rug ha ha
